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July 16 2024

Are you currently snowed under with citrus?

Let me help you out...

Isn’t it fascinating that at the very time we need vitamin C in our bodies, there are citrus fruits ripening bountifully on trees.

Orange, green and yellow.

Also the very colours we need to brighten up a dreary winter.

My own newly planted tree produced three lively, juicy mandarines this year.

Other tree owners have more bounteous harvests.

So much so that they are being shared between friends who pick them with glee, pile them into bags and deliver them with an enormous sense of sharing the love.

It was with this reverence I was gifted my own bag this week.

It came in the form of about five kilograms of lemons (thank you Mum), a large garbage bag of Kumquats, a Coles bag packed to the brim with limes and mandarines. (Thank you Bec).

I of course wanted to make use of every last one.

I’ve never cared for marmalade.

Or citrus that wasn’t in anything but it’s own peel but I wasn’t going to be deterred.

I googled recipes. Cut up fruit. Made sugary syrups.

Discovered that if you add insane amounts of sugar to citrus fruits, you can negate the bitterness.

That marmalade is not so bad when applied to fresh white bread and a layer of salty butter.

Especially when you’re made it yourself.

That the resultant jelly is deliciously decadent spooned over warm porridge on a cold Winter morning.

My counter top is brimming with jars upon jars of marmalade, syrups and jam.

Hit me up if marmalade is your thing…


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